the company, through the most suitable and effective methods, informs all workers and anyone entering the company about the provisions of the authorities, delivering and/or posting at the entrance and in the most visible places of the company premises, special information leaflets. in particular, the information regards
- the obligation to remain at home in the presence of fever (over 37.5°) or other flu symptoms and to call your family doctor and the health authority
- awareness and acceptance of the fact that they are unable to enter or remain in the company and that they must declare this in good time if, even after entry, dangerous conditions exist (symptoms of influenza, temperature, coming from risk areas or contact with people positive for the virus in the previous 14 days, etc.) in which the measures taken by the authorities require them to inform the family doctor and the health authority and to remain at home
- a commitment to comply with all the provisions of the authorities and the employer when entering the company (in particular, to maintain a safe distance, to observe the rules of hand hygiene and to behave correctly in terms of hygiene)
- the commitment to promptly and responsibly inform the employer of the presence of any influenza symptoms during the performance of the work, taking care to remain at an adequate distance from the people present
how to enter the company
before entering the workplace, staff may be subject to the following conditions
- if the body temperature is higher than 37.5°, no access to the workplace will be allowed. people in this condition - in compliance with the instructions given in the note - will be temporarily isolated and provided with masks will not have to go to the emergency room and / or infirmaries, but will have to contact their doctor as soon as possible and follow his instructions
- the employer informs the staff in advance, and those who intend to enter the company, of the foreclosure of access to those who, in the last 14 days, have had contact with individuals who have tested positive to covid-19 or come from areas at risk according to the indications of the oms
- the entry into the company of workers who have already tested positive for covid19 infection must be preceded by prior notification of a medical certificate attesting that the swab has been "negativeised" in accordance with the procedures laid down and issued by the competent territorial prevention department
- if, in order to prevent outbreaks in the areas most affected by the virus, the competent health authority has specific additional measures in place, such as swabbing of workers, the employer will provide the maximum collaboration
access modalities of external suppliers
- for access by external suppliers, identify entry, transit and exit procedures, using predefined methods, routes and timing, in order to reduce the opportunities for contact with the personnel in force in the departments/offices involved
- if possible, the drivers of the means of transport must remain on board their own means of transport: access to the offices is not permitted for any reason. for the necessary preparation of loading and unloading activities, the transporter must keep a strict distance of one metre
- for suppliers/transporters and/or other external staff to identify/install dedicated toilets, prohibit the use of those of employees and ensure adequate daily cleaning
- access to visitors should be reduced as far as possible; if external visitors (cleaning, maintenance, etc.) are required, they should be subject to all company rules, including those for access to company premises
- where there is a transport service organised by the company, the safety of workers must be guaranteed and respected during each journey
- the rules of this protocol extend to companies under contract that can organize permanent and temporary sites and sites within the production sites and areas
- in the case of workers employed by third party companies operating in the same production site (e.g. maintenance workers, suppliers, cleaners or security staff) who are positive for the covid-19 swab, the contractor must immediately inform the client and both must cooperate with the health authority by providing useful information for identifying any close contacts
- the client company is required to provide the contractor company with complete information on the contents of the company protocol and must ensure that the workers of the same or third party companies operating in any capacity within the company perimeter fully comply with its provisions
cleaning and sanitation on the company's premises
- the company ensures the daily cleaning and periodic sanitization of the premises, environments, workstations and common and leisure areas
- in the case of the presence of a person with covid-19 inside the company premises, they will be cleaned and sanitised in accordance with the provisions of circular No 5443 of 22 February 2020 of the ministry of health and ventilated
- end of shift cleaning and periodic sanitization of keyboards, touch screens, mice with suitable detergents must be guaranteed both in offices and production departments
- the company, in accordance with the indications of the ministry of health in the manner deemed most appropriate, may organise special interventions/cleaning periods by using social shock absorbers (also by way of derogation)
- in the most endemic geographical areas or in companies where there have been suspected cases of covid-19, in addition to the normal cleaning activities, it is necessary to provide, at the reopening, an extraordinary sanitation of environments, workstations and common areas, in accordance with circular 5443 of 22 February 2020
personal hygiene precautions
- it is mandatory that the people present on the farm take all hygiene precautions, in particular for the hands
- the company provides suitable hand cleansing agents
- frequent cleaning of hands with soap and water is recommended
- the hand cleansers mentioned above must be accessible to all workers also thanks to specific dispensers located in easily identifiable places
personal protective equipment
the adoption of the hygiene measures and personal protective equipment set out in this regulatory protocol is essential and, given the current emergency situation, is clearly linked to commercial availability. for these reasons:
- the masks will have to be used in accordance with the indications of the world health organisation
- given the emergency situation, in the event of supply difficulties and for the sole purpose of preventing the spread of the virus, masks of the type specified by the health authority may be used
- the preparation by the company of the detergent liquid according to oms indications (h t t p s : / / w w w . w h o . i n t / g p s c / 5 m a y / j u i d e _ t o _ l o c a l _ p r o d u c t i o n . p d f) is encouraged
- if the work requires working at an interpersonal distance of less than one metre and other organisational solutions are not possible, the use of masks and other protective devices (gloves, glasses, overalls, earmuffs, gowns, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of the scientific and health authorities is in any case required
- in the declination of the measures of the protocol within the workplace on the basis of the complex of risks assessed and, starting from the mapping of the different activities of the company, the appropriate dpi will be adopted. it is foreseen, for all workers who share common areas, the use of a surgical mask, as indeed standardized by dl n. 9 (art. 34) in conjunction with dl n. 18 (art. 16 c. 1)
management of common areas (canteen, changing rooms, smoking areas, drinks and/or snack dispensers...)
- access to common areas, including company canteens, smoking areas and changing rooms is subject to quotas, with the provision of continuous ventilation of the premises, a reduced amount of time spent inside these areas and the maintenance of a safety distance of 1 metre between the people occupying them
- the organization of the spaces and the sanitization of the changing rooms must be provided in order to leave places for the storage of workers' work clothes and to guarantee them suitable hygienic and sanitary conditions
- periodic sanitization and daily cleaning of the canteen, beverage and snack dispenser keypads with special detergents must be guaranteed
employee entry and exit management
- staggered entry/exit times are encouraged in order to avoid as much contact as possible in common areas (entrances, changing rooms, canteen)
- where possible, it is necessary to dedicate an entrance and an exit door from these premises and to ensure the presence of detergents indicated by appropriate indications
internal travel, meetings, internal events and training
- movements within the company site must be limited to the minimum necessary and in compliance with the company's instructions
- meetings in attendance are not permitted. where meetings are characterised by necessity and urgency, if it is impossible to connect remotely, the necessary participation must be reduced to a minimum and, in any case, inter-personal distance and adequate cleaning/airing of the premises must be guaranteed
- all internal events and all classroom training activities, even compulsory, are suspended and cancelled, even if already organised; it is however possible, if the company organisation allows it, to carry out distance learning, also for smart work workers
- failure to complete the updating of the professional and/or qualifying training within the deadlines set for all the company's health and safety roles/functions in the workplace, due to the emergency in progress and therefore due to force majeure, does not make it impossible to continue to carry out the specific role/function (by way of example: the emergency worker, both fire-fighting and first aid, may continue to intervene in case of need; the wheelbarrow driver may continue to work as a wheelbarrow driver)
health surveillance/competent physician/rls
- health surveillance must continue in accordance with the hygiene measures set out in the ministry of health's instructions (so-called decalogue)
- during this period, priority should be given to preventive visits, on-demand visits and visits upon return from sickness
- periodic health surveillance should not be interrupted, because it represents a further general preventive measure: both because it can intercept possible cases and suspicious symptoms of contagion, and because of the information and training that the competent doctor can provide to workers to prevent the spread of contagion
- in integrating and proposing all regulatory measures related to covid-19 the competent physician cooperates with the employer and the rls/rlst
- the competent doctor reports to the company situations of particular fragility and current or past pathologies of the employees and the company provides for their protection in the respect of their privacy
- when resuming activities, it is appropriate that the doctor responsible for the identification of subjects with particular situations of fragility and for the reintegration into work of subjects with previous covid infection be involved 19
- it is recommended that health surveillance should pay particular attention to fragile individuals, also in relation to their age
- for the progressive reintegration of workers after covid19 infection, the competent doctor, upon presentation of certification that the swab has been negativeized according to the procedures provided for and issued by the competent territorial prevention department, carries out the medical examination prior to resumption of work, following absence for health reasons lasting more than sixty days continuously, in order to verify suitability for the job". (legislative decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions, Article 41, paragraph 2, letter e-ter), also to assess specific risk profiles and in any case regardless of the length of absence due to illness
- the competent doctor will apply the indications of the health authorities. the competent doctor, in view of his role in risk assessment and health surveillance, may suggest the adoption of any diagnostic means if deemed useful for the containment of the spread of the virus and the health of workers
management of a symptomatic person in the company
- if a person on the holding develops fever and symptoms of respiratory infection such as coughing, he must immediately report this to the personnel office, his isolation must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the health authority and that of others present on the premises, the holding must immediately notify the competent health authorities and the emergency numbers for covid-19 provided by the region or the ministry of health
- the holding cooperates with the health authorities in the definition of possible 'close contacts' of a person on the holding who has been found positive for covid-19 swab. this is to enable the authorities to apply the necessary and appropriate quarantine measures. during the period of the investigation, the holding may ask any possible close contacts to leave the establishment cautiously, according to the indications of the health authority
- the worker, at the time of isolation, must be immediately provided with a surgical mask, if he or she is not already provided with one