Kd Visual has always been attentive to all that is sustainable and natural: after years of experience, we wanted to "collect" in a dedicated line all our products made with cardboard or wood. A material, wood, undoubtedly ecological and sustainable, easy to clean, antistatic and, above all, customizable. The products that are made, in fact, can adapt perfectly to the needs of the customer, creating not only an original product but also unique. An eco-friendly display or support can actually make the difference in the sales of a product: this is because, in an environment full of colors and visual stimuli, the difference and uniqueness becomes a key feature. The intrinsic message that passes from a product placed on a wooden display or on a cardboard support is that of naturalness, of respect for the environment. A genuine product, in style with the ever-growing population attentive to what it consumes and concerned about the world in which it lives. If you are looking for a display structure that allows you to get noticed, transmitting freshness, naturalness and authenticity and that at the same time does not steal the scene to the real protagonist, the product itself, a wooden display stand or a customizable printing support with cardboard base, is the perfect answer to your needs. Thanks to our experience in the market of over thirty years, we have achieved a series of awareness that led us to create a line of products that look entirely at sustainability.
- Oak profile for ceiling posters: it allows a quick change of information thanks to simple magnets. It is a lightweight product that highlights your message and instantly captures the attention of your customers.
- Thin wall frame in natural oak: allows a quick change of information thanks to the removable magnetic panel. You will be able to change your message as often as you want and without tools.
- Greenborder (photo below left): eco-friendly recyclable rollup with customizable base. Ideal for trade shows and events where you want your message or advertising to stand out.
- Signage in wood and steel or with direct UV printing. The special feature? It is customizable exactly as you want it and is ideal to be placed as an out of doors or directional. -
- Eco Stand: wooden floor display with patented magnetic system for fixing. Sustainable, ecological, recyclable
-Wood cube table marker (photo below right): customizable on all sides, it will allow you to carve your own Qr Code to contain your menu.
The possibility of choosing the displays in the desired size and design, and above all of personalizing them with the brand of reference, allows each merchant to set up the point of sale with a unique, pleasant and elegant style.
Important advantages of a wooden product are also its long life and the possibility to be easily modified and repaired: moreover, when the product's life cycle ends, the material can be totally recycled, thus not entailing any disposal problems.
For all requests regarding the Eco line: info@kdvisual.it
Choose originality and sustainability
Choose the best!
Choose wood!