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soistes hold soistes hold
shelf stand
1 pz
soistes glass tray soistes glass tray
soistes glass tray made of tempered glass
From €61.10
soistes peg soistes peg
fixed wall bracket
1 pz
soistes arm soistes arm
adjustable wall bracket
1 pz
soistes nut soistes nut
nuts for Soistes profile
set 4 pz
morsetto per pannelli soistes crownerfix silver
soistes crownerfix silver
From €16.00
set da 2 pz
tirante da soffitto per sistema su cavi soistes fix
soistes fix cable support
From €31.44
set da 2 pz
soistes pole soistes pole
free standing system
From €161.40
1 pz
soistes pinza soistes pinza
soistes pinza support for tray A4S
1 pz
angoli di collegamento soistes corner (box08)
corner structure soistes
set 8 pz
soistes roller soistes roller
soistes roller
soistes key soistes key
soistes key 4mm hex ballpoint L-handle
1 pz
ripiano rail ripiano rail
shelf rail ripiano rail
From €12.70
starLED starLED
starLED illuminated frame
From €296.00
1 pz
starLED floor starLED floor
luminous display for fabric banners
From €712.50
1 pz
struttura luminosa a sospensione su cavi Starled suspended
fabric banner light display stand
From €647.00
1 pz
tasca per comunicazioni da banco windo desk
Floor/bench advertising mat
From €12.90
1 pz
tasca da pavimento per inserimento stampa informativa windo floor
Fußmatte für Werbung
From €88.10
1 pz
tasca per comunicazione da banco e da terra windo kit - set 4 pieces
Countertop and floor advertising mat
set da 4 pz
fisso infoquick transparent fisso infoquick transparent
fisso infoquick transparent acrylic poster pocket
From €11.40
dispenser holder "smart" with stand dispenser holder "smart" with stand
smart dispenser holder
set da 1 pz
Portadispenser in alluminio anodizzato Support for adjustable cooler
Anodized aluminum dispenser holder
porta dispenser da parete wall dispenser
porta dispenser da parete
dispenser detergente da banco e da muro Automatic wall and table dispenser
Automatic table-top or wall-mounted dispenser to hold sanitizing gel
Portadispenser con termoscanner facciale Thermoscanner holder with facial thermoscanner
Thermoscanner holder with facial thermoscanner
set da 1 pz
Portadispenser con termometro a infrarossi display rack with infrared thermometer
display rack with infrared thermometer
set da 1 pz
Cestino in acciaio inox Basket for cooler rack
Stainless steel basket
Termoscanner a riconoscimento facciale da parete Thermoscanner-wall facial recognition
Thermoscanner-wall facial recognition
set da 1 pz
termometro a raggi infrarossi infrared thermometer
infrared thermometer
set da 1 pz
termoscanner infrared wall thermometer
infrared wall thermometer
set da 1 pz
Plexi security suspended Plexi security suspended
hanging partition panel.
safety plexi self-supporting safety plexi self-supporting
plexiglass partition panel
X table plexiglass X table plexiglass
plexiglass divider with intersection. modular
From €35.00
settable visor settable visor
visor with adjustable lace and interchangeable flaps
set da 1 pz
Mascherine filtranti FFP2 masks white CE2163 certified - box 20 -
FFP2 filtering masks
set da 20 pz
mascherine chirurgiche nere disposable masks color black-box 50
black surgical masks - box 50 pieces
set da 50 pz
mascherine personalizzabili antibatteriche antibacterial fabric protective mask -customizable
customizable antibacterial masks
From €6.30
set da 30 pz
Laccio per mascherina Lanyard for mask
Lanyard for mask
From €5.80
set da 1 pz
termoscanner facciale su piantana regolabile facial thermoscanner on adjustable stand
facial thermoscanner on adjustable stand
set da 1 pz
biadesivo in rotolo Double sided tape- 66 m roll
Double-sided adhesive in rolls. Width: 43 mm. Roll: 66 m. Ideal for walls and walls.
1 pz
biadesivo trasparente removibile Transparent double-sided adhesive jelly
Jelly transparent double-sided removable tape
1 pz
biadesivo in rotolo Double-sided adhesive tape - 33 m roll
Biadesivo in rotolo, larghezza 10 mm/ 20 mm
1 pz
sanitizer 500 ml sanitizer 500 ml
gel igienizzante 500ml
stampa su pet print on PET MyArt 1400x1000mm
print on PET MyArt
omaggio Gift
Free products
From €1.00
pannellino in acrilico trasparente transparent acrylic shelf - without holes
transparent acrylic shelf - without holes
1 pz
panellino in acrilico trasparente transparent acrylic shelf - with 2 x 4mm holes
transparent acrylic shelf
1 pz
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